The Scraper Bike Team showed out at the Health and Resource Fair at Brookfield Park, the official launch for the Transformative Climate Communities “Better Neighborhoods, Same Neighbors” program. TCC/BNSN funds our after-school bike enrichment program, and together with our partner Higher Ground NDC, for over a year now we’ve been providing East Oakland youth with opportunities to learn about bikes, create their own bicycle art, and roll out through the Town.

Youth program leaders Monkaia and Fred held a pop-up bike fix-it clinic and loaned out bikes decorated by the Brookfield kids.
We also had a good conversation with TCC/BNSN program director Michael Dyer about curriculum development for. The TCC funding is in year 2 of 4; over the next year we’ll be building out our mentorship program to connect with and support middle and high schoolers in East Oakland.
Beautiful day out on the park. Thanks to all who came by to see us.
Photos by Scraper Bike Team board member Robin López @hoodecologist